If Your Dreams Don’t Scare You, They’re Not Big Enough | Mission Mexico

Here we are approaching the end of 2015 and all I can say is WOW. What a year it has been! I had the best summer of my life, I have been traveling and filling my weekends with concerts, soccer games, and youth events since school started, and enjoying time with my friends as my Junior year of college comes to a close at the end of the semester.

While trying to finish up some homework a few weeks ago at a friends house, we were discussing my classes, work, our recent favorite Netflix series and everything in between. I told her about how the past few weeks I didn’t quite know where I fit in right now or what my future “plan” is after I graduate. Now I am a planner, so the fact that I don’t exactly have one slightly stresses me out! Our conversation went on, but what stood out to me was when she said, “college is weird.” I have continued to ponder on the fact that yes, college IS weird. Here I am a 20 year old girl, working three jobs that I love, very independent, going to school, single and traveling as I wish, but have friends who are getting married and having babies now too? It’s weird. As I progress further into the Public Relations classes for my major and Photography classes for my minor, I have been trying to create my “plan” – you know the one they tell me about in class where I sit behind a desk all day at a PR firm or take pictures for things such as yearbooks.. Don’t get me wrong these are great jobs and I love my classes, but that is not exactly my cup of tea- nor is it what I envision my future looking like.

I’ve always been a dreamer, goal setter, and as my sister has called me “a bucket list freak.” One of my favorite things about my room is my map. The travel bug has definitely hit me since I graduated high school a few years ago. On my map I place a pin in every state/country I have visited, and let me tell you I have a BUNCH of places on my bucket list awaiting their pin on my map! I have dreams of doing missions, writing, and capturing images all over the world.

Carrie Underwood released a song in 2010 called “Change” that pops into my head quite often – my favorite line from the song is: “The world is so big it can break your heart and you just want to help but not sure where to start, so you close your eyes and send out a prayer into the dark.” For where I am right now in my life when considering my love for kids, other countries, missions.. that line completely fits because where in the world do you start? So recently I have been sending out those prayers and what do you know, God opens doors when we least expect it.

At the end of the year I’ll be celebrating my 21st birthday and have been telling my momma for MONTHS that I wanted to do something big. A mission trip to Mexico is almost polar opposite of anything I had in mind, but when the opportunity opened in a conversation at GLA I was immediately interested and said yes by the end of the night. When you feel that call to go, you GO. So come December 28th a few hours after I turn twenty-one I’ll be boarding a plane bright and early to head to Allende, Mexico. Everyone is probably already tired of hearing me talk about it, but I am just that excited! We will get to work on a church, host VBS almost everyday we are there, do door to door greetings, distributing health kits, and I already have a 30 soccer balls ready to be packed up!

To tie in my “plan” with all of this: Not only is He opening doors, He is also reassuring me that I am 100% in the right field of study at school regardless of what I think sometimes. At our first team meeting for our trip last weekend we were assigning individual team member jobs for the week, and what do you know I get to be our team photographer and journalist the entire trip. Gathered around the board room table I couldn’t help but let out a little giggle — while thinking “Thanks man!” + mentally high giving Jesus 🙂 — Maybe I don’t have to be that girl who sits behind the desk, maybe this is all just part of His plan (Jer. 29:11-13) and my PR & Photography can be used in ways I least expect, but love and have only dreamed about thus far, at the same time.

To wrap this thing up, be looking for updates between now and December 28th about our team. I will be posting prayer blogs, team news, a few devotionals, and of course be sure to check my blog December 28th through January 3rd while we are in Mexico! Please keep our team, the church we will be working at: Iglesia Metodista Jesus Luz Verdadera (Jesus the True Light of the Church), and all of those that we may serve on this trip in your thoughts and prayers.

xo, Savana

#MoreBabies #MoreCountries #MoreJesus #MissionMexico